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Why Do You Wear Freedom?

2 min read

Imagine ayoung woman. She has her life ahead of her, hopes, dreams, ideas of who she might be and the FREEDOM to be whoever she wants to be. Now imagine the same woman across the world, who has experienced the horrors of human trafficking. Her dreams and ideas of who she might be when she grows up are shifted and changed, diminished by a toxic environment.

This is a common picture of the lives of young women around the world who are caught up in slavery, unable to escape. Here at PURPOSE, when we think of Freedom we think of the many lives, affected by human trafficking and the true freedom they may never get to fully experience.  We want to do all we can to change that reality.

We believe that jewelry can be a source of empowering others and we want to emphasize that through our pieces. Our Key necklace and Signature line are pieces symbolic of the opportunity this jewelry provides our artisans to obtain true freedom. They shine hope and dignity for our artisans. When you WEAR FREEDOM, you GIVE freedom!

This “Month Of Freedom” we will be sharing videos of our employees, partners, and participants around the world asking why they choose to wear freedom. On July 30th, we will celebrate World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. We want you to encourage you participate in this campaign and to help spread the word! Take a video or a picture, post in on social media, and be a part of the freedom story for women around the world! 

So we ask, what does Freedom mean to you?

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